tempestas et caelum productions » films » our expedition (2017)
Our Expedition :: The Coexistence

Coexisting with Our Planet is Just the Beginning
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Film Summary Questions (College Level) |
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Teacher's Guide to Activities & Media |
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Coming Soon! |
OUR EXPEDITION: THE COEXISTENCE is a lecture series created and delivered by Professor Cameron Douglas Craig, a Professor Laureate in the Department of Geology-Geography at Eastern Illinois University. In a slightly unorthodox manner, Professor Craig presents important ideas in a series of thought provoking questions to his students about our existence in this magnificent world we call home. Questions are posed and the students discuss the answers; however, Professor Craig continues to pose more questions for the purpose of pushing students to think for themselves rather than giving them the answers they so desperately want. His method to the madness is simple, “Ask the questions and make humanity answer those questions for themselves so that they are held accountable for their decisions…this way, the individual cannot blame another for their mistake!”
OUR EXPEDITION: THE COEXISTENCE is a co-production of Tempestas et Caelum Productions and Eastern Illinois University; edited by Heaven Leigh Richey; Music by Cameron Douglas Craig; Written and Directed by Cameron Douglas Craig.
The Idea for the Series came from Rethinking Our Place on Earth
Since 2005, Cameron Craig, a geographer in the Department of Geology-Geography at Eastern Illinois University, has been teaching a senior capstone course entitled, “Spaceship Earth.” The course originally focused on environmental science. However, Craig found a more effective way to present the course to students in various majors as a philosophical view of our coexistence with the place we call home. Over the years, Craig began to see that the ideas were not only about the environment but how we function together as a global community with the environment as the foundation.
The course he presents is a series of questions that delves into understanding who we are as individuals, function as a community, understand our place in the global community, and how we understanding the planet we call home. Craig found this line of topics to be more important because if we are unable to understand how we function as individuals and as a community, how are we able to find practical solutions to our global problems?
Some of the topics for the lectures come from a few personal essays Craig has written over the last two decades and can be found in his first book, "An Expedition: Essays of Life Experiences." The first volume is available at Blurb.com.
The series has yet to be released but has been in the making for over ten years. Watch for its release this Fall.
Series Episodes
Copyright 2017 by Cameron Douglas Craig. All Rights Reserved.
Episode 1: Our Expedition: What on Earth are you Talking About?
Episode 2: Our Expedition: Our Goozle-Goggle
Episode 3: Our Expedition: The Story of the Wonders of the World
Episode 4: Our Expedition: The Theme of the Expedition (It’s all about Greed)
Episode 5: Our Expedition: What is Progress? (You Choose)
Episode 6: Our Expedition: How Progress Changes Life (The Birth of a City)
Episode 7: Our Expedition: What is Water to You? (A Personal Problem)
Episode 8: Our Expedition: What is Water to Us? (The Global Problem)
Episode 9: Our Expedition: Every Sperm is Sacred (If you Love Children, Be a Teacher)
Episode 10: Our Expedition: Humans as the Invasive Species (It’s a Rhetorical Question)
Episode 11: Our Expedition: The Lonely Moments of the Individual (LMAO)
Episode 12: Our Expedition: The Lonely Moments of the Masses (LMAO II)
Episode 13: Our Expedition: The Traditional Threat (How Important is Your Tradition?)
Episode 14: Our Expedition: Hath Not a Human Eyes? (Are We Not All the Same?)
Episode 15: Our Expedition: That’s So Gay! (The Person Next To You Might Be)
Episode 16: Our Expedition: You Try Predicting Nature! (We Can’t Predict Nature: Part I)
Episode 17: Our Expedition: You Try Predicting Nature! (We Can’t Predict Nature: Part II)
Episode 18: Our Expedition: The Looming Disaster (Natural or Human Disaster?)
Episode 19: Our Expedition: Conspiracy Theories! (Research by the Word of Mouth)
Episode 20: Our Expedition: Word of Mouth (Gossip Uncontrolled)
Episode 21: Our Expedition: The Political Story of Poop! (Educated vs. Uneducated)
Episode 22: Our Expedition: You Can Want in One Hand and S*#@ in the Other!
Episode 23: Our Expedition: The Anthropocene Era (The Echo that our Children will Scream)
Episode 24: Our Expedition: The Demise of Culture
Episode 25: Our Expedition: The Demise of Humanity
Episode 26: Our Expedition: The Undiscovered Country (Was Shakespeare Right?)
Episode 27: Our Expedition: Universalism
Episode 28: Our Expedition: Understanding Our Place in History (Universal History)
Episode 29: Our Expedition: Full Circle (What Do I take from This? Part 1)
Episode 30: Our Expedition: Full Circle (What Do I take from This? Part 2)
Copyright 2017 by Cameron Douglas Craig. All Rights Reserved.